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Near Space Exploration Exhibition: SSDE

Event Date:
Monday, March 5, 2018, 2:30 pm
School of Sustainable Design Engineering
128 B
This semester, the 69传媒School of Sustainable Desing Engineering is developing and executing a project that will include the launch and recovery of 16 x 350g weather balloons with our first year engineering students. The project aims to allow the students to plan an experiment collecting data from weather balloons, such as temperature, pressure, image and location. This is an exciting proposition for the students who will breathe life into this assignment. You are invited to join us on Monday, March 5, 2:30 pm at the School of Sustainable Design Engineering, room 128 B for a pre-launch exhibition of the payloads of our near Space Exploration project.
Contact Name
Nadja Bressan
(902) 566-0399