This Event is more than 8 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Want to involve more Patients in your research?

Event Date:
Friday, September 23, 2016, 11:00 am
Atlantic Veterinary College
286 BN
Free but pre-registration is required
Patient Engagement Session: PEI Researchers Join the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT unit in a working lunch session about how to engage patients in your patient-oriented research. In this session, you will: Learn the CIHR's definitions of patient advisor and patient-oriented research Learn about the benefits and challenges of incorporating patients in your research Hear examples of patient engagement in health research done well Learn about research support services provided by the Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit Have the opporturnity to ask questions to the MSSU's Patient Engagement Coordinator and Communication Advisor   This session is for health researchers  (clinical and non clinical) in all disciplines working on Prince Edward Island. Registration is free and lunch will be provided.
Contact Name
Barbara Weeks
(902) 566-0976