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AVC Class of 2006 Reunion

Event Date:
Friday, August 5, 2016, 5:30 pm
Atlantic Veterinary College
The AVC Class of 2006 will hold its ten-year reunion from Friday, August 5, to Sunday, August 7. On Friday afternoon, the Classes of 2006 and 1991 will hold a combined reception at AVC at 5:30 pm followed by a tour of the College at 6 pm, led by Dean Greg Keefe. A barbecue will follow at 7 pm. On Saturday, the Class of 2006 will meet at New Glasgow Lobster Supper at 6 pm. On Sunday, the Class will wrap up its reunion weekend with a farewell brunch at 12 noon at the Top of the Park, Red Shore Race Track and Casino, Charlottetown. The reunion is being organized by Dr. Mellissa Yuen.
Contact Name
Janice MacWilliam
(902) 566-0589