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Environmental Sciences/Human Biology Seminar Series

Event Date:
Friday, August 28, 2015, 10:30 am
Duffy Science Centre
The Faculty of Science Graduate Studies Committee invites the University community to the first Seminar of its 2015-16 Environmental Sciences / Human Biology Seminar Series. Dr. Steve Heard from the University of New Brunswick (UNB) will offer the following presentation: What scientific writing is-- Reflections on the history, culture, and practice of composition in the natural sciences The Seminar is well suited for students in Science from all disciplines and also for those interested in scientific writing. From Dr Heard: How do scientists write, and how do they think about writing?  For many scientists, the answers are "painfully" and "we don't". Fixing the problem inherent in the first answer involves changing the second.  I will discuss some aspects of the cultural and historical roots of the scientific-writing form, of the function of the written document in the hands of its readers, and of the writing behaviour of ordinary scientists.   We can increase our own scientific impact, while simultaneously improving our literature, with conscious attention to what writing is. Everyone is welcome.
Contact Name
Pedro Quijon