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Chief Justice Thane Campbell Lectureship in Law

Event Date:
Friday, October 4, 2013, 1:30 pm
Don and Marion McDougall Hall
Room 242
This year's Chief Justice Thane Campbell Lectureship in Law will be delivered by Lesli Bisgould, BA (York University) 1987, LLB (Osgoode - York University) 1990. Ms. Bisgould will be speaking on the changes to and development of laws relating to animals and animal welfare in Canada. It will take place on the 69传媒campus in the MacKinnon Auditorium, McDougall Hall on Friday, October 4 at 1:30 pm. Ms. Bisgould has been practicing law since 1992, focusing on animal law and animal rights. She is also an adjunct professor at the University of Toronto's faculty of law where she teaches a course on animals and the law. She is also the author of Animals and the Law (2011), a Canadian law textbook published by Irwin Law.