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Epi on the Island Module 2 "Introduction to MultiLevel Modelling"

Event Date:
Sunday, July 10, 2011, 8:30 am
Atlantic Veterinary College
AVC Lecture Theatre C
Instructors: Ian Dohoo, DVM PhD FCAHS Professor-Epidemiology Director, Centre for Veterinary Epidemiological Research Department of Health Management Atlantic Veterinary College and Henrik Stryhn, PhD MSc Associate Professor in Biostatistics Department of Health Management Atlantic Veterinary College Course Content: This course is designed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills required to successfully fit multilevel models to both continuous data (linear models) and discrete data (emphasis on logistic and Poisson models). The presentation of theoretical background material is limited to that which is required for a reasonable understanding of the methods employed. Specific topics covered in the course include: introduction to multilevel/hierarchical data, mixed models for continuous data, mixed models for discrete data, model evaluation (diagnostics), analysis of repeated measures and alternative approaches to dealing with clustered data (including Bayesian methods). The main software used for the instruction is MLwiN, but code for fitting models in additional software packages (including Stata) will also be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring their own data to the course and will be provided with time and assistance to analyze those data.
Contact Name
Leanne Newson