This Campus Notice is more than 7 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

Message from Dr. Robert Gilmour, Vice-President Academic and Research

Posting Date(s)

I am pleased to announce a search will be initiated for qualified candidates for a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture at UPEI.

The 69传媒 (UPEI) invites a highly engaged academic to join our research team in the role of Canada Research Chair (CRC) in Applied Communication, Leadership, and Culture. The successful candidate for this position will have a program of research that fits within the broad, interdisciplinary category of the Social Studies of Science; they will have extensive and varied experience with digital humanities tools (including GIS or alternative mapping software), both within their own scholarly work and within the classroom; they will have a strong record of teaching communication and leadership to undergraduate and graduate students, and a clear understanding of how their own academic research intersects with their teaching of these subjects. Preference will be given to those candidates who have developed a research profile that suggests obvious future collaboration with members of the 69传媒research community.

A CRC Application Review Committee for this opportunity is being convened and I would welcome your suggestions on members for this committee. Please contact me by Email  ( or phone (566-0637). Inquiries about the Chair can be sent to Dr. Lisa Chilton,

More information on the Canada Research Chairs program may be found at .

Additional information about the new Chair can be found at and the .