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Message from the International Relations Office re: the Ebola virus

Posting Date(s)
The Ebola virus is a severe disease that has seen outbreaks in the African countries of: Sierra Leone, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria (Lagos), and the Democratic Republic of Congo. While the risk of Ebola in Canada is very low, and there have not been any cases in Canada, the International Relations Office in partnership with Health PEI would like to provide some information for individuals who have recently travelled to or from Africa. The Ebola virus can spread through contact with infected animals; contact with blood, body fluids, or tissues of infected persons; contact with medical equipment or objects that have been contaminated, such as needles. If you have travelled to or from Africa in the last 21 days and feel ill, call 811 as soon as possible. Tell them your symptoms, which countries you visited or travelled from, and whether you have been to a medical facility or received medical care while abroad. 69传媒faculty and staff who have travelled to Africa recently, or are planning to travel to Africa, are asked to contact Erin Clarke in the 69传媒International Relations Office at For further information please visit the Public Health Agency of Canada website: