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Environmental Science and Human Biology research seminar series - October 24

Posting Date(s)
Two graduate students in Biology will present the findings of their research in the Environmental Science and Human Biology research seminar series on Friday, October 24 in Duffy Science Centre, Room 204. Hailey Lambe will speak to her MSc research conducted under the supervision of Drs. Marina Silva-Opps and Sheldon Opps as part of the Urban Fox project. Her talk, which starts at 12:30 pm is entitled: "Where does the fox stay? Den site selection and movement patterns of Charlottetown's red foxes." Luke MacDougall will speak to his MSc research conducted under the supervision of Dr. Rob Hurta on the effects of natural products on prostrate cancer cell growth. Luke's talk, which starts at approximately 1:00 pm is entitled: "Magnolol inhibits protein expression levels of cellular adhesion molecules in DU145 human prostate cancer cells in vitro." All talks in the seminar series are open to the public. The full schedule can be found at Coffee and light snacks will be provided.