This Campus Notice is more than 10 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

A message from Student Affairs

Posting Date(s)
UPEI's Department of Student Affairs will offer Mental Health First Aid training to the campus community beginning in October. James Reddin, Student Affairs Counsellor, will take part in a facilitator training workshop in September, and will then be able to offer mental health workshops to 69传媒staff, faculty, and students here on campus. The first two-day workshop will take place October 9-10 (date and location to be confirmed), with additional workshop dates to come. It is our hope that the entire campus community will take advantage of this great offering, and become mental health first aid ambassadors within the coming years. We hope to attract a good mix of students, staff, and faculty in each session to get a wide variety of experiences brought forward. Cost of the training (two-day workshop) will be approximately $45 (cost of materials). For more information, please contact Treena Smith, Manager of Student Affairs at or (902) 566-0674.