Campus Notices

Jerry Jien, Phd Candidate at the University of Toronto, is working for the summer at the 69传媒Climate Research Lab. Jerry is very familiar with SDSM, and has agreed to offer a free one-day training course on Friday, August 8 on the 69传媒campus. Registration is limited so book soon at the link below.
Jerry Jien, Phd Candidate at the University of Toronto, is working for the summer at the 69传媒Climate Research Lab. Jerry is very familiar with SDSM, and has agreed to offer a free one-day training course on Friday, August 8 on the 69传媒campus. Registration is limited so book soon at the link below.
Eminent scholar and environmental historian John R. Gillis, a longstanding friend of Island Studies at UPEI, will be delivering a lecture entitled "Islands as Wetlands", on Friday, August 1 at 7:00 pm in Don and Marion McDougall Hall, Room 243. Doctor Gillis is a Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University and spent time at 69传媒while preparing his most recent book, The Human Shore: Seacoasts in History (University of Chicago Press), a provocative exploration of the rich history of humans' relationship with the seacoast, the vital ecotone where land and sea meet. The lecture is sponsored by the NiCHE, the Network in Canadian History and Environment. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Student Union will be closed on Friday, July 25 to volunteer at the Panther Golf Classic tournament. The offices will re-open Monday, July 28 at 9:00 am.

The Student Diversity Office in partnership with Student Affairs and ARCPEI will be raising the pride flag at the flagpoles near Kelley Memorial Building on Monday, July 28 at 2:00 pm to recognize PEI Pride Week (July 28-August 2). A small reception will be held afterwards at the Credit Union Day Lounge, in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. All are welcome to attend.
The International Relations Office (IRO) will be holding a Meet and Greet next Tuesday (July 29) afternoon from 2:00-3:00pm at the Faculty Lounge, Main Building. All staff, students, and faculty are welcome to drop in and say hello! We will be hosting three separate student groups from Japan and Korea from July 28 to August 29 for a summer language camp program. This is an important recruitment initiative for the university and we encourage anyone in the campus community to drop by the IRO to welcome the students during their stay. The students, ages 15-17 years old and ages 18-24 years old, are very excited to come to PEI and study English at the university. The high school students are from a prestigious Anglican girls school in Japan and the university students are from Tsukuba University in Japan and Dankook University in Korea. Students will have language classes in the morning and participate in fun cultural activities in the afternoons. Anyone interested in becoming a language partner is welcome to volunteer. Please contact MaryEllen O鈥橞rien at the International Relations Office at 566-0576 for more information on how you can volunteer with this extraordinary group of students.

The search committee for the Dean of Arts position has recently posted videos of the presentations by Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic, candidates for the position. The videos can be viewed here: Dr. Shannon Murray Video: CV: Dr. Neb Kujundzic Video: CV: The committee welcomes feedback on the candidates and requests that it be forwarded by email to by Friday, July 25, 2014.

The search committee for the Dean of Arts position has recently posted videos of the presentations by Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic, candidates for the position. The videos can be viewed here: Dr. Shannon Murray Video: CV: Dr. Neb Kujundzic Video: CV: The committee welcomes feedback on the candidates and requests that it be forwarded by email to by Friday, July 25, 2014.

The Student Diversity Office in partnership with Student Affairs and ARCPEI will be raising the pride flag at the flagpoles near Kelley Memorial Building on Monday, July 28 at 2:00 pm to recognize PEI Pride Week (July 28-August 2). A small reception will be held afterwards at the Credit Union Day Lounge, in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre. All are welcome to attend.
The International Relations Office (IRO) will be holding a Meet and Greet next Tuesday (July 29) afternoon from 2:00-3:00pm at the Faculty Lounge, Main Building. All staff, students, and faculty are welcome to drop in and say hello! We will be hosting three separate student groups from Japan and Korea from July 28 to August 29 for a summer language camp program. This is an important recruitment initiative for the university and we encourage anyone in the campus community to drop by the IRO to welcome the students during their stay. The students, ages 15-17 years old and ages 18-24 years old, are very excited to come to PEI and study English at the university. The high school students are from a prestigious Anglican girls school in Japan and the university students are from Tsukuba University in Japan and Dankook University in Korea. Students will have language classes in the morning and participate in fun cultural activities in the afternoons. Anyone interested in becoming a language partner is welcome to volunteer. Please contact MaryEllen O鈥橞rien at the International Relations Office at 566-0576 for more information on how you can volunteer with this extraordinary group of students.

Troy Life & Fire Safety are performing fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning Monday, July 21. As part of the inspections, there will be testing of alarms, however there will be an audible notification stating this is a test at the beginning and when the test is completed. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to 2 hours) of the total time they are in the building. Day Care Centre - July 21 Chaplaincy Centre - July 21 Main Building - July 21 Don and Marion McDougall Hall - July 22 Kelley Memorial Building - July 22 Steel Building - July 23-24 Cass Science Hall - July 24 Memorial Hall - July 25 AVC - July 28 - Aug 1 (audible alarms Jul 29-30 evenings) Health Sciences Building - Aug 4 Duffy Science Centre - Aug 5 Dalton Hall - Aug 6 K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre - Aug 7 W.A. Murphy Student Centre - Aug 8 Robertson Library - Aug 15 Alumni Canada Games Place - Aug 18 Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre - Aug 19 Central Utility Building - Aug 20 Tunnel System - Aug 21 Bernardine Hall, Blanchard Hall, Bill and Denise Andrew Hall and Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall - Aug 25 - 29 If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 6034.
The 69传媒Bookstore carries the RF Response Card LCD clickers sold by Turning Technologies. These clickers and Turning Technology's associated software, are the clicker type being used in many 69传媒courses. Science students buy clickers for their first year courses. Psychology students could also use Turning Technologies' Response Ware app for mobile devices. The 69传媒administration is aware that many faculty are receiving emails about another company's clicker product, but if you are interested in introducing a clicker response system into your classroom, or have other clicker questions, please contact Matthew Saunderson, or at 888 522 8689 ext. 204.
Staff and faculty are invited to join the 69传媒community in welcoming our incoming class on Saturday, August 30 at 9:00 am, in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Welcome Day launches Orientation Week and students' first official day as Panthers, and we would like to make it as interactive as possible. This year, Orientation Week is launching 鈥淗ow To鈥︹ sessions to help students begin their post-secondary education in a positive way. If you have any suggestions for a 鈥淗ow To鈥︹ presentation, or would like to volunteer to lead a discussion, please contact Alix Barry, Orientation Week Coordinator at Throughout the week, there are meet and greet opportunities with staff, faculty, and peers, as well as fun events and campus tours. All staff and faculty are encouraged to join us at any time throughout the week to welcome our new students! For more information and a schedule of events, please visit to find your opportunity to get involved.
The search committee for the Dean of Arts position has recently posted videos of the presentations by Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic, candidates for the position. The videos can be viewed here: and The committee welcomes feedback on the candidates and requests that it be forwarded by email to by Friday, July 25, 2014.
Troy Life & Fire Safety are performing fire alarm inspections throughout campus beginning Monday, July 21. As part of the inspections, there will be testing of alarms, however there will be an audible notification stating this is a test at the beginning and when the test is completed. The building occupants are not required to evacuate during the testing period. The ringing of alarms is required to test their function and to ensure the speakers work throughout the building. This will be a small portion (up to 2 hours) of the total time they are in the building. Day Care Centre - July 21 Chaplaincy Centre - July 21 Main Building - July 21 Don and Marion McDougall Hall - July 22 Kelley Memorial Building - July 22 Steel Building - July 23-24 Cass Science Hall - July 24 Memorial Hall - July 25 AVC - July 28 - Aug 1 (audible alarms Jul 29-30 evenings) Health Sciences Building - Aug 4 Duffy Science Centre - Aug 5 Dalton Hall - Aug 6 K.C. Irving Chemistry Centre - Aug 7 W.A. Murphy Student Centre - Aug 8 Robertson Library - Aug 15 Alumni Canada Games Place - Aug 18 Chi-Wan Young Sports Centre - Aug 19 Central Utility Building - Aug 20 Tunnel System - Aug 21 Bernardine Hall, Blanchard Hall, Bill and Denise Andrew Hall and Wanda Wyatt Dining Hall - Aug 25 - 29 If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jackie MacPhail at or 6034.
The 69传媒Bookstore carries the RF Response Card LCD clickers sold by Turning Technologies. These clickers and Turning Technology's associated software, are the clicker type being used in many 69传媒courses. Science students buy clickers for their first year courses. Psychology students could also use Turning Technologies' Response Ware app for mobile devices. The 69传媒administration is aware that many faculty are receiving emails about another company's clicker product, but if you are interested in introducing a clicker response system into your classroom, or have other clicker questions, please contact Matthew Saunderson, or at 888 522 8689 ext. 204.
Staff and faculty are invited to join the 69传媒community in welcoming our incoming class on Saturday, August 30 at 9:00 am, in Schurman Market Square, Don and Marion McDougall Hall. Welcome Day launches Orientation Week and students' first official day as Panthers, and we would like to make it as interactive as possible. This year, Orientation Week is launching 鈥淗ow To鈥︹ sessions to help students begin their post-secondary education in a positive way. If you have any suggestions for a 鈥淗ow To鈥︹ presentation, or would like to volunteer to lead a discussion, please contact Alix Barry, Orientation Week Coordinator at Throughout the week, there are meet and greet opportunities with staff, faculty, and peers, as well as fun events and campus tours. All staff and faculty are encouraged to join us at any time throughout the week to welcome our new students! For more information and a schedule of events, please visit to find your opportunity to get involved.
The search committee for the Dean of Arts position has recently posted videos of the presentations by Dr. Shannon Murray and Dr. Neb Kujundzic, candidates for the position. The videos can be viewed here: and The committee welcomes feedback on the candidates and requests that it be forwarded by email to by Friday, July 25, 2014.

The International Relations Office will be hosting 3 different student groups from Japan and Korea for a summer language camp program from July 28 to August 29. This is an important recruitment initiative for the university; we encourage anyone in the campus community to drop by the IRO to welcome the students during their stay. The students, ages 15-17 years old and ages 18-24 years old, are excited to come to PEI and study English at the university. The high school students are from an Anglican girls school in Japan; the university students are from Tsukuba University in Japan and Dankook University in Korea. Students will have language classes in the morning and participate in fun cultural activities in the afternoons. Anyone interested in becoming a language partner is welcome to volunteer. Please contact Mary Ellen O鈥橞rien at the International Relations Office at 566-0576 for more information on how you can volunteer with this extraordinary group of students.
The 69传媒 invites members of the campus community to a private pre-screening of a new documentary, "Code Kids", from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm on Monday, July 21 in the Alex H. MacKinnon Auditorium (MCDH 242) at Don and Marion McDougall Hall on the 69传媒campus. Filmed in the Maritimes, Finland, and Estonia, this Hemmings House production is due to be broadcast by the CBC on Saturday, July 26 at 8:00 pm. Code Kids explores a global movement to bring back teaching kids coding, or computer programming, to schools and the positive impact this could have for K-12 education and our Maritime economy. Please join us for this private pre-screening and the ensuing discussion. For a preview of the Code Kids documentary, please visit Contact: Alexander (Sandy) McAuley