
Current DVM Student Awards and Scholarships

Attaining an education in veterinary medicine requires four years of hard work and financial commitment from our students.

Your donation to our awards and scholarships program helps ease the considerable financial pressure on our students. General donations can be made directly through the website. Donors who want their gift to support specific criteria are invited to contact 69传媒Development and Alumni Engagement (UPEIDAE).

Together with AVC, UPEIDAE will work with donors to best support deserving students.

Current Graduate Student Awards and Scholarships

Since its establishment in 1986, AVC has earned an international reputation for excellence in research and graduate education. After graduating with their DVM, many students work toward their Master of Science (MSc), Master of Veterinary Science (MVSc), or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Veterinary Medicine. They become highly qualified professionals (HQPs) who often become employed by Atlantic Canadian universities, industries, non-governmental organizations, and government agencies.

Contributions to these awards and scholarships allow the graduate students to work toward higher education while alleviating the financial burden.

New Award of Your Choice

Have an idea for an award at AVC? Let us know your thoughts. We can work with you on ways to recognize students and help them fund their journey at AVC.

Atlantic Veterinary College

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