Scholarship Information

McIsaac/Kamphuis Christian Ethics Prize
Maximum Amount: $1,150.00
Process: Recommendation from the professor to the Scholarships and Awards Committee
Scholarship Type: Award
Description: Awarded to a full-time returning student who excels in a 69传媒course related to Christian Ethics. Performance includes a combination of interest in Christian Ethics as a topic of study in an historical context, discussion in class setting, and dedication to excellence on assignments, essays, and exams.
Background: This Prize is established at the 69传媒 as a tribute to the commitment to family, community and life as Christians of the late Leo McIsaac and Mary MacIsaac and John and Willemina Kamphuis. The purpose of this prize is to encourage and assist students who are studying Christian Ethics (RS232). This prize is established by Alan and Joanne McIsaac and family. Leo and Mary McIsaac, lifelong Roman Catholics, raised their ten children in an environment based on strong Christian values. Both were very active in parish life and encouraged their children to make their Christian walk a personal, full time commitment. Although very active in the agricultural and educational areas of Island life, their dedication to their Christian walk was always first and fore mostly obvious to us, their children. John and Willemina Kamphuis emigrated from Holland in 1953 and have always encouraged their eight children to follow their example by applying Christianity to all aspects of life. Their Christian world view was evident as they served as leaders in the Christian Reformed Church and in community organizations. They define success as being obedient to God's will and consider walking in His way to be of utmost importance in their lives. Although from different Christian backgrounds, both sets of parents have encouraged in their children a commitment to Christ and the Christian lifestyle. Focusing on what Christians from different backgrounds have in common rather than on what separates them, has impressed upon us what it means to be part of the Body of Christ.
Scholarships and Awards

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