This Campus Notice is more than 8 years old. Links and contact information may have changed.

SEMINAR NOTICE - Small Animal Surgery Candidate

Posting Date(s)

Dr. Wendy Baltzer will be on-campus August 29 & 30, interviewing for the open, tenure-track faculty position in small animal surgery in the Department of Companion Animals at the Atlantic Veterinary College. Dr. Baltzer is board-certified in both small animal surgery (DACVS-SA) and canine sports medicine and rehabilitation (DACVSMR). She is currently an Associate Professor in Small Animal Surgery and Director, Canine Sports Medicine & Rehabilitation at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Oregon State University.

As part of the interview process, Dr. Baltzer has been asked to present two seminars; one on a research topic and one on a surgery topic. Any interested faculty / staff are invited to attend. A copy of her CV and letter of application will be available from Laurel Fisher (


Musculoskeletal Injuries: Is the Cardiovascular System the Key?
Tuesday, August 30 @ 8:30am
286B N & 286C N, McCain Learning Commons - AVC

Forelimb Injuries in Sporting Dogs
Tuesday, August 30 @ 12:30pm
Lecture Theatre ‘A’ - AVC