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69传媒GSA to hold 2nd annual 69传媒Multidisciplinary Graduate Research Conference

Posting Date(s)

On August 11-13, 69传媒will host graduate students from all across Canada at the 69传媒Multidisciplinary Graduate Research Conference. This year, we have just over 60 student presentations! 

On Thursday, August 11 there will be 8 workshops open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as staff and faculty:

- 8:30-10:30 Understanding Indigenous Knowledge, Research and Engagement: Where to Begin and Following the Good Path (Facilitator: David Varis, Location: Chaplaincy Centre)
- 9:00-10:30 Communicating Your Scientific Research to the Public (Facilitator: Adam Fenech, Location: MCDH 328)
- 10:30-12 Balancing Life Along the Graduate Studies Journey (Facilitators: Mary MacPhee & Alaina Roach O'Keefe, Location: MCDH 328)
- 10:30-12 Trial by Fire: Lessons From My First Semester Teaching (Facilitator: Sean Landsman, Location: MCDH 243)
- 1-2:30 Building Your Academic CV (Facilitators: Tim Goddard & Leslie Cudmore, Location: MCDH 243)
- 1-2:30 Decolonizing Critical Reflection: A Method for Decolonizing the Mind (Facilitator: Gail Baikie, Location: MCDH 328)
- 2:30-4 What is Your Story? Inquiring Minds Want to Know! Unravelling the Mysteries of Narrative Inquiry Research (Facilitator: Christina Murray, Location: MCDH 243) 
- 2:30-4 The Important of Building Relationships Between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Communities

On Friday, August 12 our keynote speaker, Rebecca Thomas, will present at 9 am (MCDH 242), followed by oral presentations by graduate students. At 4 pm, our plenary speaker, Julie Bull will present (MCDH 242), followed by a President's Reception from 5-6 pm.

On Saturday, August 12 graduate students will present both orally and through a poster session, followed by a wrap-up event at 3:30 pm. 

For more information about the conference, please visit our website: or email us at