Campus Notices

We are very pleased to announce that the 69传媒Executive MBA program will be hosting a special guest speaker event on Thursday, August 25th from 4:30 to 6:00 pm at Marc's Studio, 125 Sydney Street.

Most entrepreneurs focus on writing a business plan, prototyping their product, and raising capital. But they often ignore鈥攐r postpone鈥攃ritical organizational issues that may have as much or more impact on their eventual success. Who should be on the founding team? How do we allocate rewards including equity? What should everyone鈥檚 roles be? Unfortunately, the 鈥渙bvious鈥 decision can be dead wrong鈥ut the entrepreneur doesn鈥檛 realize this until it is months or years too late.

Matt Marx is an Associate Professor of Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Strategic Management and Mitsui Career Development Professor of Entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan School of Management. Drawing on his experience working in both Silicon Valley and Boston startups, Marx studies the systematic and institutional barriers to the growth of new ventures. He holds seven patents, and was previously an inventor and an executive at multiple startup companies in the speech recognition industry. As vice president of professional services at Tellme Networks, he led a team of 75 in growing annualized revenue from $5 million to more than $100 million. Marx holds a BS in symbolic systems from Stanford University, an SM in media arts and sciences from MIT, and an MBA and a DBA in business administration from Harvard University.

RSVP by contacting Joanne Smith, (902) 894-2866

You are cordially invited to join Mr. Sean Casey, Member of Parliament for Charlottetown, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; the Honourable Richard Brown, Minister of Workforce and Advance Learning; Dr. Alaa Abd-El-Aziz, President and Vice-Chancellor of the 69传媒, and Mr. Mike O鈥橤rady, Vice-President, Innovation and Strategic Development at Holland College for a special announcement regarding an infrastructure upgrade on the 69传媒campus.

Date:  Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Time:  3:00 pm
Location: 69传媒Artificial Turf Field

For more information:
Nicole Phillips, 69传媒Marketing and Communications,


Anne Webb, Program Officer, Scholarships and Fellowships
Women in Science and Engineering

NSERC is conscious of and concerned about gender equity and diversity in natural sciences and engineering research. For decades, we have been implementing initiatives to increase women and girls鈥 participation in these fields. These initiatives are now being complemented by additional institutional commitments and a Council-wide action plan to increase gender equity as an element of research excellence. Our current strategic plan, NSERC 2020, has as one of the five strategic goals 鈥淏uilding a Diversified and Competitive Research Base鈥 which includes gender equity as a key priority.

This presentation addresses the current participation of women in science and engineering in Canada, what some of the equity issues are as NSERC understands them, and presents the initiatives and actions NSERC is committed to undertaking to increase gender equity in science and engineering research.

Thursday, August 25
10:00 am - 11:00 am
HSB 104

Tea and coffee will be served
Please rsvp to Lisa Sanderson, by Tuesday, August 16.

Dr. Ian Manners, Professor of Inorganic and Materials Chemistry, University of Bristol will present a seminar on Tuesday August 16, 2016 at 1:00 pm. The presentation is entitled, "Living Crystallization-Driven, Seeded Growth Approaches to Functional Supramolecular Materials".  The seminar will be held in the Kelley Memorial Building, Room 237.
All are welcome!

The Offices of the Comptroller and VP Admin. & Finance have a surplus of legal size hanging file folders and binders. If you are in need of, or have a use for these items, please visit our office in Kelley 205 and we will be happy to supply you with some. First come first served.

TODAY, Tuesday, August 16, 3-5 in The McCain Foundation Learning Commons in the AVC.
Please come and view the posters of the at UPEI.
A great way to find out some of the research happening at UPEI.

If you have difficulty carving out uninterrupted time for writing, if you struggle with motivating yourself to write, or if you would simply like the supportive collaboration of a writing retreat, consider Time to Write, UPEI's faculty writers retreat.

When: Wednesday, November 9 to Sunday, November 13

Where: TBD

Cost to participants: $200, which includes four nights accommodation, meals and snacks

Your project must be at a stage where sustained writing time makes sense. Your research and/or data collection and analysis must be completed to the point that you are ready to write. You must also be prepared to commit to the full program: a total of 3陆 days focused on writing. The retreat is open to tenured and tenure stream 69传媒 faculty in any Department/Faculty/School.

Email Research Communications Officer Dave Atkinson,, with a brief summary of the project you plan to work and your writing goals for the retreat. There is room for six participants.

The deadline for Animal Care Protocol Submissions -- new, renewal, or amendment -- is Friday, September 2nd for the September meeting.

Ensure you always鈥

路        Download the current forms from 
路        Use the most current Adobe Reader to complete forms and only current forms will be accepted.

Both the signed hard copy and electronic protocol submission must be submitted by the deadline date.

路        Submit one copy of original protocol with signature to AVC - North Annex, Biomedical Sciences Dept., Rm 2302
路        Submit an electronic copy to

Those protocols received after the deadline will be reviewed the following month. The Committee requires at least one month for processing applications.

For more information, please contact Sherri Pineau, ACC Admin. Assistant @ 902-566-0973.

Ethics protocols that involve 鈥榤ore than minimal risk鈥 must be reviewed by the full 69传媒Research Ethics Board. The next deadline for submitting these protocols is Friday September 2 2016. They will be reviewed at the September meeting. Protocols involving 鈥榤ore than minimal risk鈥 that are received after September 2 will be reviewed at the October meeting. 

Other ethics protocol submissions, including new applications that do not involve 鈥榤ore than minimal risk鈥, renewals, and amendments may be submitted at any time. They will be sent for delegated review as soon as all necessary forms are received. 

Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from . Use Adobe Reader to complete forms.

Submit the following: 
鈥 one hard copy of the signed application form and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and 
鈥 one e-copy of all documents to

For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or

The next deadline for submitting Biosafety applications including new applications, renewals and/or amendments is Friday August 26 2016. These applications will be reviewed at the September 2016 meeting. Please ensure that you download and use the current forms from . Use Adobe Reader to complete the forms.

Submit the following: 
鈥 one hard copy of the application form with signatures and associated documents to Joy Knight at the Office of Academic and Research, 200 Kelley Memorial Building and 
鈥 one e-copy of all documents to

Please note that applications received after this deadline will be reviewed the following month. For more information, please contact Joy Knight at 620-5104 or

Anne Webb, Program Officer, Scholarships and Fellowships
Women in Science and Engineering

NSERC is conscious of and concerned about gender equity and diversity in natural sciences and engineering research. For decades, we have been implementing initiatives to increase women and girls鈥 participation in these fields. These initiatives are now being complemented by additional institutional commitments and a Council-wide action plan to increase gender equity as an element of research excellence. Our current strategic plan, NSERC 2020, has as one of the five strategic goals 鈥淏uilding a Diversified and Competitive Research Base鈥 which includes gender equity as a key priority.

This presentation addresses the current participation of women in science and engineering in Canada, what some of the equity issues are as NSERC understands them, and presents the initiatives and actions NSERC is committed to undertaking to increase gender equity in science and engineering research.

Thursday, August 25
10:00 am - 11:00 am
HSB 104

Tea and coffee will be served
Please rsvp to Lisa Sanderson, by Tuesday, August 16.

The IRO now has a newsletter. You can see the . Our next edition will be December 2016

Island Construction will be on campus the week of August 15,  patching asphalt on various parking lots, walkways, and areas of the Perimeter Road. This work is anticipated to take approximately 1-1/2 weeks to complete.

Please be aware and cautious when walking or driving near the work sites.

While the contractors have been instructed that the work be executed with the least possible interference or disturbance to the campus community, a certain amount of disruption is inevitable. We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jackie MacPhail at 566-6034 or
Dr. Faizal Careem, Associate Professor of Virology, University of Calgary will be presenting a special seminar,  鈥淚n ovo Induction of Antiviral Responses Against Poultry Respiratory Viral Infections"  on Thursday, August 18/16 at 10 am in Room 278N, AVC McCain Learning Commons.

Everyone is welcome.

New students, current students, as well as recently graduated students, who have children, as well as staff and faculty at 69传媒who have kids/grandchildren are invited to bring their children to the FREE 69传媒Family Friendly NSO event. Pregnant students are also welcome to attend!

Sun, Sep 4, 2016 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Student Affairs (Above the Bookstore in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre)

This is a great opportunity for students to network with each other, staff and faculty members, learn the support systems available to them and ask questions to other students who are also parents!

There will be a "hunt" at noon (like an easter egg hunt), and Pride will be coming from 1pm-3pm, (you can take pictures with Pride), and we'll be showing a movie and will have crafts and snacks.

For more information visit the  or contact Elyse Cottrell at

Tuition Waiver forms for the Fall 2016 semester must be submitted to Human Resources by no later than August 15, 2016. When completing the form, please include all of the required information (Course name, time, start and end date, cost and the number of semester hours) to avoid any delays in processing the waiver. Please submit original forms directly to Human Resources (lower level Kelley building, room #143).

If you have any questions please contact Heather Walsh at: (902) 566-0514 or

This workshop, lead by Megan MacKenzie, E-Learning Instructional Designer, will introduce participants to ePortfolios in the classroom. 

ePortfolios can be used by students, staff, and faculty in a number of ways. By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- distinguish between assessment, developmental, showcase, and archive ePortfolios;
- identify and select an ePortfolio platform based on student and instructor needs;
- consider the effective use of ePortfolios in the classroom;
- assess the appropriate, inclusive, and accessible inclusion of ePortfolios in a classroom setting;
- design appropriate ePortfolio assessment.

The workshop will take place on Tuesday, August 16th from 2:00 - 3:30 pm in HSB 106. Laptops and other devices are welcome! To register for this workshop, please complete the .

As the roll-out of Active Directory continues across campus, the classroom computers will now have a different look when signing in. The newly configured classroom PCs are still accessed with your current 69传媒credentials.

Please note users will not have access to their network drive mappings (H:/drive for example) on the Academic Network which were previously provided through Novell. We apologize for this inconvenience; however, it will only be temporary until the drive mappings are configured in our new Active Directory service.

Users can access the files on their Novell drives by visiting the Alternative, users may wish to use Google Drive, email, or a USB thumb drive to access their presentation files.

Please contact the ITSS Helpdesk at or 902-566-0465 for questions.


The Faculty of Science wishes to announce Krista Gill, PhD candidate from the Department of Chemistry, will be defending her thesis entitled "Discovery of novel microbial natural products using a chemical screening approach and identification of gene clusters responsible for biosynthesis" on Thursday, August 11, 2016.

Tuesday August 11, 2016 - 1:00 PM

Room 212, Regis and Joan Duffy Research Centre

Additional Information
All PhD defenses are open to the public and you are welcome to attend. Please note seating may be limited.

The second annual 69传媒Multidisciplinary Graduate Research Conference is being held this week, August 11-13, in Don and Marion McDougall Hall. All presentations, workshops, and speaker events are open to all. 

On Thursday, please join us for a day of .

On Friday, please join us for the keynote speaker presentation by Rebecca Thomas, 9:00 am in MCDH 242, followed by graduate student presentations, a plenary presentation by Julie Bull at 4 pm in MCDH 242, and then the President's Reception in Schurman Square from 5 to 6 pm

On Saturday, please join us for a poster presentation session and oral presentations from graduate students

Information about the conference, including the full program, can be found .