Campus Notices

The next presentations in the Environmental Sciences and Human Biology seminar series take place on Friday, October 28, 2016 at 12:30 pm in Duffy Science 204: 

  • Travis McIsaac (MSc-c), 鈥淓xploring the relationship between negative sport experiences and positive youth development鈥
  • Kshitij Trivedi (MSc-c), 鈥淓xploring the activity of homeotic genes in hibiscus鈥

All are welcome.

Our Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) is Tuesday, November 8 from 4:30鈥6pm in SDU Main Building, room 420 (there will be pizza and drinks).

It is really important for a large number of students to attend to give input and suggestions about graduate student life at UPEI. If you have questions, please email

The 69传媒Student Health Centre, located in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre (above the Bookstore), is offering a Flu Vaccination Clinic on the morning of Wednesday, November 2, 2016 -- by appointment only-- for faculty, staff, and students.

Cost for the vaccination is $10. Valid provincial health card information will be required when scheduling and your health card must be provided at the appointment.

Please call 902-566-0616 to book your appointment.

Dr. Michael West, a candidate for the open, two-year term community practice position in AVC's Department of Companion Animals will be interviewed on Wednesday, October 26, 2016. As part of this interview process, Dr. West has been asked to provide a seminar to the campus community. The seminar is called "Nutrition and the Pruritic Dog" and will take place at 12:30 pm, in room 287N, The McCain Foundation Learning Commons.

A CV and letter of intent are available upon request from Linda Constable in the AVC Dean's Office.

Our Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM) is Tuesday November 8 from 4:30鈥6pm in Main Building room 420 (there will be pizza & drinks). 

It is really important for a large number of students to attend and give us input and suggestions about graduate student life at UPEI.

If you have questions, please email

Small group training offers training sessions with a focus on individual progression and skill development. Sessions are 2-3 times/week, and will include a small group of 6-8 clients who will work together with a certified personal trainer. Join a group or create your own! Our personal trainers can train at all levels and guide/push you to achieve positive results!

Small Group Training (12 sessions at set times/group) Beginning week of November 7). Pre-registration required.

Group Options:

Lyndsey Paynter 鈥 Mon/Wed/Fri 12:05 pm 鈥 12:50 pm
Kris Lutwick 鈥 Mon/Wed/Fri 6:15am - 7:00am, Mon/Wed/Fri 4:30 pm 鈥 5:15 pm
Mitch Caissy 鈥 Mon/Wed 7:00 pm 鈥 7:45 pm; or Mon/Wed 8:00 pm 鈥 8:45 pm

Fee:Sports Centre members - $129+hst/person, Non-Members - $139+hst/person.

69传媒employees can also apply for a personal training subsidy grant for $75 to use towards the fees of the program. To register or for more information please contact Angela Marchbank at

TODAY! Monday, October 24 at 1:30pm
Join us in the Robertson Library Room 312 OR from the comfort of your own office through this link:
The topic is "Open Education: Reducing Costs, Transforming Pedagogy".
For more information:
Contact: Donald Moses

The 69传媒Student Health Centre, located in the W.A. Murphy Student Centre (above the Bookstore), is offering a Flu Vaccination Clinic on the morning of Wednesday, November 2, 2016 -- by appointment only. Cost for the vaccination is $10. Please call 902-566-0616 to book your appointment. Valid provincial health card information will be required when scheduling and your health card must be provided at the appointment.

The 69传媒 is celebrating Open Access Week with a series of informative events.

As an appetizer to the main event, join us this Friday, October 2110:30 am - noon, in the Faculty Lounge, SDU Main Building, for 

On Monday, October 24 at 1:30 pm in Robertson Library 312 (or from the comfort of your own office), we are hosting a webinar by Robin DeRosa (Plymouth State University): 

On Thursday, October 27 at 10:00 am, Robertson Library 312, Robert Gilmour will introduce and re-launch the new  and . Dawn Hooper and Donald Moses from the Robertson Library will demonstrate the services and answer questions.

Also on Thursday, October 27 at 7:00 pm, the Robertson Library will partner with the Open Data Book Club to host a  in Robertson Library 312. First, the Open Data Book Club will introduce its activities related to Open Data. Following that we will have two speakers: Dr. Adam Fenech, Director of 69传媒Climate Lab, will speak on "The Value of Open Data in Research" and Mary-Ann MacSwain, Data Analyst at the UPEI Centre for Health and Community Research will speak on "Health Data in an Open Data World." 


The Celebration of Student Success- Dean's Honours List Ceremony for the School of Nursing will be held on Monday, October 24 at 7:00 pm in McMillan Hall, W.A. Murphy Student Centre. Students who are on the Dean's List for the 2015-16 academic year will be presented with a certificate recognizing their outstanding academic performance.

If you are from BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, the provincial government wants to hear from you! We are interested in hearing your perspectives regarding life on PEI. Most importantly, we want to know how we can make your 69传媒experience better.

Please contact for more information

Dr. Oriana Raab, a candidate for the open, tenure-track small animal internal medicine position in the Department of Companion Animals, will be interviewing on Tuesday, October 25 to Thursday, October 27, 2016. As part of this interview process, Dr. Raab has been asked to provide two seminars geared towards 3rd year DVM students. You are invited to attend. 

SEMINAR - Tuesday, October 25 @ 12:30pm
AVC Lecture Theatre 'C'
Cryptococcosis in the Dog and Cat

SEMINAR - Thursday, October 27 @ 12:30pm
AVC Lecture Theatre 'A'
Canine Lower Respiratory Diseases

Please contact Dr. Stephanie Hamilton, Chair of the Selection Committee ( or Laurel Fisher ( if you would like to meet individually with Dr. Raab.

What exactly is a syllabus? Is it a contract, a promise, even a work of art? Head to to read this week's article, "My Syllabus, My Self," and see what you think 鈥 and, of course, leave a comment! Questions? Email Gerald at the Faculty Development Office:

Dr. John Riley, Program Manager, Drug Development, BioVectra Inc. will present a seminar on Wednesday October 26, 2016 at 12:30 pm. The presentation is entitled, "Scale Up in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Transforming a Synthesis into a Process".  The seminar will be held in the Duffy Research Building, Room 212.
All are Welcome!

OCTOBER 24, 2016
3:00 鈥 3:50 pm
Refreshments to be served in Cass 312 after the talk

New techniques for analysing online algorithms: matching theory to practice.

Marc Renault , IRIF, Universit茅 Paris Diderot - Paris 7

An algorithm is a set of instructions to process the input for a given problem. In the classical setting, algorithms have access to the entire input and the algorithm is a function applied to this input. The result of the function being the output. In contrast, in the online setting, the input is revealed sequentially, piece by piece; these pieces are called requests. Moreover, after receiving each request, the algorithm must take an action before the next request is revealed. That is, the algorithm must make irrevocable decisions based on the input revealed so far without any knowledge of the future input. Since the future is unknown, these decisions could prove very costly. Online problems have many real-world applications such as paging, routing and scheduling. In this talk, I'll introduce the topic of online computation, some classic online problems, and some techniques used to analyze online algorithms that have been developed over the last 30 years. Then, I'll show how our new techniques (the bijective ratio and approximate stochastic dominance) fit into this rich domain and apply them to classic problems with a particular focus on the greedy algorithm for the k-server problem, an algorithm that performs well in practice (on certain metric spaces) when the classic analysis tools claim it should not.
Refreshments will be served immediately after
in Cass Science Hall Resource Room 312

Hope to see you there on October 24, 2016!

If you are from BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, the provincial government wants to hear from you! We are interested in hearing your perspectives regarding life on PEI. Most importantly, we want to know how we can make your 69传媒experience better.

Please contact for more information

Alyson Brown, Department of Pathology and Microbiology will give a seminar entitled "Acute phase and intracellular responses in vaccine-induced protection against bacterial infections in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)" on Tuesday, October 25 at 3:00 pm in AVC Lecture Theatre "B".  Everyone welcome

Monday, October 24 at 1:30pm- Robertson Library 312 (or from the comfort of your own office). 

Open Educational Resources have the ability to eliminate the costs to students for textbooks and other learning materials, but they also empower students and faculty to work in new ways. This presentation will explore how we can save money for students, while also transforming our teaching and radically centering learners in their own educations. We will take a look at how free, openly-licensed digital materials can be incorporated into any course in any discipline, and explore new ways of using technology to connect our students and their work to the world outside of the the university.

Contact: Donald Moses 

The Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) requires that all personnel involved with the use of animals in research, teaching, testing and service take this course.  (A refresher course is required every 5 years). The next 69传媒on-site training session in animal use and care will be held on:

Wednesday, November 9, 2016 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm
The McCain Foundation Learning Commons, Room 287N
Atlantic Veterinary College

This will be a 3-hour training session with handouts, based on CCAC Recommended Syllabus (exam included).

Please notify Sherri Pineau by e-mail at by 12:00 noon on Wednesday, November 2, 2016 if you or any of your staff will be attending this session.

The Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences' (AARMS) Collaborative Research Group in Iterated Function Systems (IFS), Fractals, Invariant Measures and Applications presents the first event of its seminar series. Entitled "Fractals and images", the seminar will presented by Dr. Franklin Mendivil (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Acadia University) via skype.

Friday, October 21, 3:00 pm, Cass Science Hall 101
School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

Abstract: Many people have seen the incredibly intricate images that can be generated using fractals. But can fractals be useful to generate 鈥渘ormal鈥 images (like photos)? In this talk, we discuss fractals, digital images, image compression, and combine them all together in fractal image compression.

The IFS, Fractals, Invariant Measures, and Applications Collaborative Research Group is administered by UPEI's Shafiqul Islam, and includes members Franklin Mendivil and Tara Taylor (St. Francis Xavier University).