Campus Notices

The Admissions Office in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University is hosting an online information session on applying to medical school, 鈥淎re you Thinking of a Career in Medicine?鈥 on June 10, 2021, 3:30 鈥 4:30pm ADT, for interested students.

Access will be by registration only via this link:  and it is free and open to the public. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session and it will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend. Access to the recording will be by request only to

An acquired brain injury (ABI) is damage to the brain occurring after birth and not related to a degenerative or congenital condition. The two type types of ABI are traumatic and non-traumatic.

Traumatic:  caused by something outside the body (e.g. assault, sports injury, fall, etc.).

Non-traumatic:  caused by something inside the body (e.g. aneurysm, tumor, ischemic stroke, opioid overdose, etc.).

Did you know there is a Concussion Clinic at UPEI?  If you have had a concussion (ABI) and continue to have concussive symptoms (physical, cognitive, or emotional) this clinic may be for you.  For more information or to request an appointment, contact

Have you heard? Summer hours at the Campus Foodbank are Wednesdays 2:00 - 7:00 pm for June, July and August. New volunteers can read this for easy step by step directions.  

Check available spots for every Wednesday this summer. Monthly tabs are at the bottom of the page.  

Thanks to the many who have supported the Campus Food Bank this year.  

Have you ever been impacted by extreme weather or natural disasters on PEI? Were you able to get the information and the help you needed at the right times? 

We are looking for interview study participants who will share their experiences about how they prepare and respond to these types of events. The information you share with us feed into a design process to create new interactive technologies to help citizens during storms, flash floods or other types of disasters that we increasingly need to respond to in 2021.

We are looking for people who are: fluent in English, 18 years of age or older, live or have lived on PEI  and have experienced an extreme weather or natural disaster event on PEI they would be comfortable speaking about.  Participants for this study also must have reliable internet connection as interviews will be conducted online.  

Interviews will take about 30 minutes to complete and participants will be compensated with an 8Gb USB key worth approximately $12 for their time.  Participants will also be given the opportunity to join in future community co-design sessions for the new technology!

If you would like to improve preparedness and response of Islanders to natural disasters, please contact Choyce Chappell ( or Christopher Power ( to set up an interview between 1 June 2021 and 15 July 2021.

This presentation provides a high-level overview of how mood impacts work.  it takes a particular focus on depression in the workplace and guides participants through the Mental Health Works 3-gear method of addressing it.  By the end of this sessions, participants will:

- Be exposed to an accessible and evidence based introduction to mood and depression

- Begin to see mood and depression in terms of balance and barriers

- Start to understand how to talk openly about depression.

Facilitators Amanda Gallant-Squires and Sarah MacEachern, Canadian Mental Health Association

Thursdays, June 17, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Location:  By zoom or  AVC Lecture Theater A 201N

To register: Please contact Sondra Gantner  at or Angela Marchbank at  Session provided by the Healthy Campus Committee via 69传媒Employee Wellness Strategy.

Are you planning a systematic review, scoping review, or other comprehensive review project? Librarians are available to partner with you on your review project as a consultant or coauthor. For more information about systematic reviews, scoping reviews, and other types of review projects, visit the .

The Library has subscribed to , an online review management system, for a pilot year (through June 2022). Covidence includes the following features:

  • allows for team collaboration around the world,
  • imports citations from databases and reference managers like EndNote/RefWorks,
  • streamlines the screening of abstracts and full-text, and
  • facilitates data extraction

To request assistance on your review project, review the information on the or web pages. Questions? Contact us at

The Admissions Office in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University is hosting an online information session on applying to medical school, 鈥淎re you Thinking of a Career in Medicine?鈥 on June 10, 2021, 3:30 鈥 4:30pm ADT, for interested students.

Access will be by registration only via this link:  and it is free and open to the public. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session and it will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend. Access to the recording will be by request only to

There are a few changes that Accessibility Services would like everyone to know about.

1. Changes in email addresses

Please note that as of June 4, 2021, all questions about testing with Accessibility Services should be directed to

The email address will now only be used for general inquires and booking appointments with Accessibility Services staff.

2. Booking tests and exams over the summer

Accessibility Services students are expected to book their tests and exams using AccessDeck regardless of whether tests are online or in person. Please book tests at least one week in advance to allow time for accommodations to be set up.

For Summer Semester (May-August) ONLY: Please book final exams in the midterms section and note that it鈥檚 a final exam in the 鈥淒etails鈥 section.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is pleased to announce an upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defense on Monday, June 7th at 1pm.  Melanie Bos will defend her thesis titled, Understanding topographic, nutrient management, and weather controls on nitrate and phosphorus losses from a Prince Edward Island Potato Crop.

The presentation and examination will be presented via a web conference. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 643 6726 4726
Passcode: 359760

June is Pride Month and this is the 51st year that Pride is celebrated.  Pride month being held in June dates back to 1969 and the Stonewall Riots.  On the first anniversary of these riots, they began to celebrate Pride in New York and it has spread around the world. The idea is to support our LGBTQ2+ communities.

Visitors to the 69传媒Health & Wellness Centre may not know that we prescribe PrEP at the health centre. PrEP is pre-exposure prophylaxis. It is a medication that people at risk of contracting HIV take to prevent getting HIV from sexual contact or injection drug use. If taken as prescribed, PrEP is very effective in preventing  HIV infections.

If you are wondering if PrEP is right for you make an appointment at the 69传媒Health & Wellness Centre:; 902-566-0616.

The Admissions Office in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University is hosting an online information session on applying to medical school, 鈥淎re you Thinking of a Career in Medicine?鈥 on June 10, 2021, 3:30 鈥 4:30pm ADT, for interested students.

Access will be by registration only via this link:  and it is free and open to the public. There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session and it will be recorded for anyone who is unable to attend. Access to the recording will be by request only to

On Wednesday, June 9, from 11 pm to midnight, ITSS will be conducting routine maintenance on the Remote Desktop Services accessed via the website During this time, any remote desktops or applications accessed via this site will be unavailable. ITSS will also be conducting the same routine maintenance on the RXWorks system, which will also be unavailable during this time.

If you have any questions, please contact the ITSS Help Desk at 902-566-0465.

There are a few changes that Accessibility Services would like everyone to know about.

1. Changes in email addresses

Please note that as of June 4, 2021, all questions about testing with Accessibility Services should be directed to

The email address will now only be used for general inquires and booking appointments with Accessibility Services staff.

2. Booking tests and exams over the summer

Accessibility Services students are expected to book their tests and exams using AccessDeck regardless of whether tests are online or in person. Please book tests at least one week in advance to allow time for accommodations to be set up.

For Summer Semester (May-August) ONLY: Please book final exams in the midterms section and note that it鈥檚 a final exam in the 鈥淒etails鈥 section.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to

The Faculty of Sustainable Design Engineering is pleased to announce an upcoming Master of Science in Sustainable Design Engineering (MSc-SDE) Thesis Defense on Monday, June 7th at 1pm.  Melanie Bos will defend her thesis titled, Understanding topographic, nutrient management, and weather controls on nitrate and phosphorus losses from a Prince Edward Island Potato Crop.

The presentation and examination will be presented via a web conference. 

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 643 6726 4726
Passcode: 359760

Ph.D. Candidacy Examination Public Presentation and Examination

Jiacheng Chuan, Ph.D. Candidate in ESC

"Bioinformatics methods for metagenomics classification; pros and cons鈥

Metagenomics has developed rapidly for years, from microbial diversity to functional analysis, from drug discovery to diagnostic trials. Laying the foundation for those applications, classification algorithms and methods have been iterated quickly to fulfill insatiable demands. The taxonomic resolution of metagenomics classifiers has been evolved from the genus to species level and even the strain level. In this review, it is summarized the typical metagenomic classification methods for amplicon- and shotgun-based sequencing and compared the pros and cons of matching algorithms based on k-mer, alignment, assembly, and combined methods. Also, it is discussed the current issues on metagenomic classification, including taxonomic assignment, database update, algorithm suitability, and data interpretation.

Via Google meet.  All are welcome to attend. Please contact Barry Linkletter at for the information to connect.


TITLE OF THESIS: Folic acid (FA) supplementation impact on Avian B-lymphocyte molecular innate and adaptive immunity gene responses under lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) activation

BRIEF ABSTRACT: Folic acid (FA) is a water-soluble vitamin that is known to participate in mechanisms associated with the gene expression of innate and humoral molecular immunity pathways. One of these mechanisms is the methylation of cytosines located in the DNA-CpG islands. Methylation patterns in DNA-CpG islands are known to control the mRNA expression of some genes. Folic acid has been shown to modulate immune responses and gene expression in different sets of cells. Therefore, this manuscript has investigated and demonstrated the FA supplementation effect on chicken B-lymphocyte innate and adaptive immunity gene expression in response to lipopolysaccharides as a bacteria-derived antigen and infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) as one of the key immunosuppressive viruses in poultry industry.

Anyone who wishes to attend the public presentation should contact the grad studies coordinator at to receive the link to the meeting.


The entire 69传媒community was dismayed to hear the news of the discovery of remains at a former residential school in Kamloops, BC. Flags on the 69传媒campus will be flown at half-mast until sunset on June 8 to honour the lives of the 215 First Nation children whose remains were found in a mass grave.

69传媒is joining the Government of PEI and many other governments and organizations in lowering the flags to half-mast for 215 hours, representing one hour for every child whose life was lost on the grounds of the former residential school in Tk鈥檈ml煤ps te Secw茅pemc territory.

Crows on campus know if you have food or something that looks like food.

  • NEVER FEED the crows or drop food on the ground. This includes food wrappers. 
  • KEEP FOOD HIDDEN inside a bag or backpack. Do not just carry a food container. Crows can smell it!
  • Should a crow start to attack you, WAVE YOUR HANDS and forcefully shoo them away and continue your walk. That way the crow will learn that it's not productive to show this type of behaviour. 

If everyone on Campus is consistent in dealing with the crows, hopefully, we will all be able to enjoy our beautiful PEI summer outside!

Have you heard? Summer hours at the Campus Foodbank are Wednesdays 2:00 - 7:00 pm for June, July and August. New volunteers can read this for easy step by step directions.  

Check available spots for every Wednesday this summer. Monthly tabs are at the bottom of the page.  

Thanks to the many who have supported the Campus Food Bank this year.  

Synapse is excited to offer the Mitacs Time Management One day Workshop on June 4, 2021 9am-5pm ADT.

This energetic, intensive one-day course will sharpen your professional time management skills and optimize your working week.  Building on the Project Management Institute's (PMI) best practices, methodologies, and productivity tactics, the course provides tools and techniques that can be applied to a partner industry project or employment based role.  

You will learn to:

Optimize your professional days and weeks, effectively define targets and goals so that they are clear and sustainable, accurately estimate activity duration, improve focus and better manage interruptions, reduce corrective communication, defend project schedules without sacrificing relationship quotient, and improve and leverage personal energy for sustainable follow-through on activities.

How to enrol:

  1. Create an account on Edge (
  1. Navigate to the 鈥渃atalog鈥 tab on the main dashboard and enroll in the workshop title of your choice
  1. Select the session (date + time) you wish to attend
  1. Follow email notifications for workshop materials and Zoom login information

For help and questions about enrollment, please contact: